A businessperson using tools and software to improve client relationships and provide his market with the most recent information.

Hot Marketing Trend. Unleashing the Power of Personalisation in Marketing

June 20, 20233 min read

Let’s dive into a game-changer in the marketing landscape: Personalisation. It’s not just sizzling; it’s red-hot!

Over 20+ years ago, while some of us were still finding our way in the corporate world, industries like Telco were having their lightbulb moments. With the digitization of data, they realised the boundless potential to engage with customers in fresh and inventive ways.

Fast forward to today, and the personalisation train has not just left the station; it's skyrocketing on that J-curve! Businesses, brace yourselves. If you’re not already having those cosy, one-on-one interactions with your customers, you're missing out on a golden opportunity, while others are basking in the spotlight.

Now, let’s talk about why personalisation has become the shining star. The pandemic nudged the world into a digital slumber, leaving us all starved for authentic human interaction. Businesses today have the golden key to unlock real-time connections with their audience, and let me tell you, people are craving it. They want to sync with brands that resonate with their values and dreams. They want to connect and together embark on a business journey that’s meaningful.

This longing for connection isn’t industry-specific. Whether you’re an online mogul, a boutique owner, a consultant, or trading hours for dollars, the message is the same. Let's not forget how we all bolted out to socialise the moment restrictions lifted. We yearned for that human touch. Customers are echoing that very in their relationship with brands.

But wait, there’s a twist! The old-school email? Not your best bet. We need to venture out of our comfort zones. Imagine you’ve been browsing products from your favourite local shop. A few days later, an SMS lands in your phone, with a tempting offer. Bingo! This shop knew your browsing habits and reached out via a channel that’s more, let’s say, ‘attention-grabbing’. That’s the kind of engagement that gets people talking.

Here's where I'd love for you to up the ante. Slide into your customers’ DMs on social media, strike up conversations, and watch the magic unfold.

You can even go back to the future now with handwritten cards and letters done with AI and on machines.  But truly handwritten by a robot holding a felt tip pen - yes for real!  There an in between version that I use called Sendoutcards.  What I know though is that this is so old school that everyone opens your mail these days.  I mean who gets a personal letter anymore - right?

Now, for my fellow small business owners, it's time to roll up those sleeves. You, or your trusty sidekicks, should make it a mission to connect with your social media followers. Also, don’t overlook the power of videos - short, snappy, and oozing with personality. It's like connecting with your audience in bite-sized portions.  And don’t forget the power of DM’s - getting a personal message from the business is so impactful and takes seconds.  Just set some time aside to actually do this.

Speaking of videos, there are some amazing tools out there to create engaging video content, like BombBomb. No, I’m not getting a penny from them; I'm just sharing the love. BombBomb can be your customer service team’s secret weapon for creating connections that feel as cosy as a cup of hot cocoa on a rainy day.

Let’s talk about being the missing ingredient to get this personalisation party started intentionality and authenticity in conveying your brand values. If your brand is more of a “casual Friday” than “black-tie gala”, own it! Connect with your audience in a way that feels genuine.  But be real and consistent.  Customers smell a fake a mile off.

Remember, personalisation is about making the most of that precious 20% of your efforts that reaps 80% of the rewards. Personalise with purpose. Choose your arena, focus your energies, and let your brand create connections that are not just transactions, but heartwarming stories.

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Braith Bamkin

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

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