The image features a diverse group of smiling professionals engaged in a lively discussion, set against a modern office backdrop with bright, inviting colors. The atmosphere exudes positivity and connection, illustrating the theme of attracting like-minded individuals through positive energy and shared values in the business world.

How Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe in Business

May 21, 20244 min read

Have you ever wondered why some business owners seem to have all the luck, attracting golden opportunities and great people like magnets? It’s not rocket science, nor is it just luck. It’s about the energy you’re putting out into the world.

I want to share a skill I've learnt over the years that might just change the game for you when it comes to networking and growing your business. It’s all about the power of vibes—yes, you read that right, vibes.

networking event

Imagine this: you’re at a local networking event. The room’s buzzing with potential clients, partners, and maybe even a mentor or two.

But here’s the thing—not everyone’s making connections. Some people are hitting it off, swapping stories and laughing, while others are hovering around the snack table, looking a bit lost. What’s the difference? It’s all in the vibes.

Let me tell you about a BNI Member in my region - let’s call him, ‘Jake’. Jake’s got this electric energy about him—always positive, always genuine. When he started his electrical he didn’t have a lot of contacts. But Jake’s a master at just being himself, warts and all. He’s the guy who’ll walk up to you, flash a big smile, and genuinely want to know your story. And guess what? People love him for it. Within months, he was collaborating on projects and getting referrals left, right, and centre. His secret? He just puts out good, authentic energy, and it comes right back to him.

Here’s the thing: people can spot a fake from a mile away.

Ever met someone and felt something was off, even if they were saying all the right things? That’s your intuition picking up on the ‘vibes’. Now, I’m not saying you need to be all sunshine and unicorns all the time. But there’s something magnetic about someone who’s real, who’s comfortable in their own skin. That’s the sort of person everyone wants to know, to work with, and to refer to.

So, how do you become that person?

First, it starts with self-reflection. Before you walk into your next networking event, ask yourself, “What kind of energy am I bringing?” Are you the anxious, desperate-for-any-connection type? Or are you the confident, happy-to-be-here, excited-to-meet-you type? Trust me, the latter is far more appealing and I have been to MANY networking events over the years.

self reflection

All this is great and intuitive, but the 1992 study by Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal, "Thin Slices of Expressive Behavior as Predictors of Interpersonal Consequences: A Meta-Analysis," shows that brief observation of nonverbal behaviour can accurately predict various interpersonal outcomes. This concept, known as "thin slices," supports the idea that humans are great at quickly assessing others' vibes or energy based on minimal information.

In a business context, this suggests that the nonverbal cues we emit, such as body language and tone of voice, significantly influence how we are perceived in professional interactions. Positive and authentic nonverbal communication is crucial for making favourable impressions and fostering successful business relationships. Essentially, the vibes we project can play a pivotal role in the effectiveness of our networking and negotiation efforts.

Let me exemplify this with another quick story.

I once met a woman at a BNI meeting who was all about the hard sell she was selling Google AdWords and at the time, if she had asked, she would have realised I was already engaged with a member doing exactly what she was trying to to sell me. Within minutes of meeting me and not knowing anything about me, she was pitching her services, barely taking a breath between sentences. It was overwhelming, and honestly, a bit of a turnoff. Needless to say, I gave her the polite brush-off off and her application to join BNI didn't progress (members in BNI have good ‘BS” monitors too).

Contrast that with another person I met the same morning, who spent more time asking about my business and not once mentioned her own services until I coaxed it out of her. Guess who I remembered and referred to only a few months later and coincidently is now the president of that chapter and the members love her.

Networking isn’t just about trading business cards; it’s about building genuine relationships. And the foundation of any good relationship? Authenticity. When you’re real, when you show up as yourself, warts and all, you attract the kind of people who resonate with you. And those relationships are gold in the business world.

Remember, like attracts like.

Be the kind of person you’d want to do business with. Be curious, be kind, and most importantly, be yourself. The connections you’ll make will be stronger, more meaningful, and ultimately, more beneficial for your business.

So, next time you’re heading out to an event, a conference, or even just a casual coffee meeting, take a moment to check in with yourself. Remember Jake and his woodworking biz? Be like Jake. Put out the positive, authentic vibes you want to attract. You might be surprised at how much difference it makes—not just in your networking efforts, but in the overall success and fulfillment you find in your business journey.

Stay real, stay positive, and keep connecting.
Who knows? The next great opportunity could be just one genuine conversation away.

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Braith Bamkin

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

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