Businessmen holding a question mark card on their heads as a representation of the questions about the The How, What and Why of a Great Testimonial

The How, What, and Why of a Great Testimonial

July 03, 20249 min read

In my previous articles, I have discussed the foundational roles of trust and credibility in business relationships and the subtle differences between these two concepts. Today, I want to explore another critical element that ties directly into trust and credibility: the power of testimonials. 

Before I begin, I want to make sure we are all on the same page, so I want to start with a clear definition of a testimonial (I consulted with Dr. Google on this one).

A testimonial is a statement from a satisfied client or customer that highlights their positive experience with your product or service. It serves as a personal endorsement, providing social proof of your credibility and trustworthiness. Testimonials typically detail specific benefits or outcomes that the client experienced, making them a powerful tool for demonstrating the real-world value and reliability of your offerings. By sharing genuine feedback from actual users, testimonials help build trust and credibility, reassuring potential clients that they can expect similar positive results.

I could not have said it better myself!

Testimonials are more than just kind words from satisfied clients; they are powerful tools that can significantly influence potential clients' perceptions of your business. 

Client giving feedback

Here’s why testimonials matter:

They Build Trust

When potential clients see positive testimonials, they are more likely to trust your business. Testimonials provide evidence that others have had a positive experience with your products or services, which can help alleviate any doubts or concerns new clients might have.

In today's digital world, not having testimonials may do more harm than good.  Think about the last time you researched a product or service, did you check out the testimonials and what did you think of those that had none?

Even with existing clients, testimonials help to reinforce the decision they have made.

Ever heard of buyer's remorse?  We buy on emotions and justify with facts which means sometimes we will go home and rethink our purchase.

Having positive testimonials may alleviate a buyer's questioning mindset and preclude them from coming back to return the item or cancel the order.

Testimonials serve as endorsements from credible sources. When someone speaks positively about your business, it boosts your credibility. It’s not just you claiming to be competent and reliable; it’s real people sharing their genuine experiences.

I’m a big traveller and I use this method to decide which hotels to stay at.  Bad reviews and I won't stay there.

In today’s digital age, social proof is incredibly influential. People tend to follow the actions and choices of others. When potential clients see that others have had good experiences with your business, they are more likely to choose your services over a competitor’s.  It makes us feel good about what we are about to buy.  

Let's face it, we’re basically animals hanging out in groups, so this is the ‘herd mentality’ in action.  You know you’ve done this in your own life.

A positive feedback

Asking for Testimonials

Many people feel awkward about asking for testimonials, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Some CRM systems actually have a follow-up built into them so that after a purchase the software sends out a testimonial request.  This works well if you are high volume retail sales, but can be seen as impersonal for higher value transactions.

But most business owners simply ask their clients at the conclusion of a sale.  Here are some tips on how to ask for a testimonial effectively:

  1. Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial when asking for a testimonial. The best time to ask is right after you have delivered value to your client—perhaps after completing a project, closing a deal, or resolving an issue successfully.  The longer you leave the request, the less likely you are to get a response.  Plus you want to be fresh in the minds of satisfied customers.

  1. Be Direct but Polite

Don’t be afraid to ask directly. Most clients who are happy with your service will be willing to provide a testimonial. Here’s a simple way to phrase your request:

“Hi [Client's Name], I’m glad we could achieve [specific outcome]. Would you be willing to share a brief testimonial about your experience working with us? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.”

If they like what you provided, most people want to share this experience and support you and your business. 

  1. Make It Easy

Provide a simple format or specific questions to guide them. This can help clients structure their thoughts and make the process easier for them. For example:

  1. What was the challenge you were facing before working with us?

  2. How did our product/service help you solve this challenge?

  3. What specific benefits did you experience?

  4. Would you recommend our services to others? If so, why?

I also like to write a testimonial for people and suggest they put it in their own worlds.  This is time-saving and you get a lot higher response rate.  Just be careful to ensure all your testimonials don’t sound the same as over half the people I ask to do this just put their name to what I write, so keep that in mind.

  1. Follow Up

If a client agrees to provide a testimonial but doesn’t follow through, send a polite reminder. People are busy, and sometimes they need a nudge. A follow-up message could look like this:

“Hi [Client's Name], I hope you’re well. Just checking in regarding the testimonial you mentioned you would provide. It would be a great help to us. Thank you!”

From my perspective, one follow-up is enough.  If they haven’t responded after a second reminder they are unlikely to OR they weren't happy with what you supplied.  Depending on the size of your business, a phone call is always best, followed by an email.  

Even if you have a large business, I find the odd phone call is wise because calling a customer also acts as a great customer research.  If you are failing the customer, this is when you’ll discover what you can do to improve - just don’t be defensive.  Listen and learn.

Structuring a Powerful Testimonial

A well-structured testimonial should be clear, concise, and impactful. Here’s how to ensure the testimonials you receive are effective:


Encourage your clients to be specific about the benefits they experienced. General praise is nice, but specific details about how your service or product solved a problem are more compelling.


Authentic testimonials are more believable. Encourage clients to use their own words and be honest about their experiences. Real, heartfelt testimonials resonate more with potential clients.  Be careful not to edit a testimonial even if you don’t like it.  An edited testimonial removes its credibility.  

If there is a typo I will use [sic] which shows the original test had a mistake.  

  • [sic] used in brackets after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or erroneous to show that the word is quoted exactly as it stands in the original, as in a story must hold a child's interest and ‘enrich his [sic] life’ or a hero of antient [sic] Rome.


Testimonials should highlight aspects of your service or product that are most relevant to your target audience. Make sure the testimonials you showcase align with the needs and concerns of your potential clients.  

Where to Place Testimonials

Strategically placing testimonials can maximize their impact. Here are some key places to showcase them:

Your Website

Your website is the primary platform for displaying testimonials. Create a dedicated testimonials page and include snippets of testimonials on relevant service or product pages.

Social Media

Share testimonials on your social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Visual testimonials, such as videos or images with quotes, can be particularly engaging.

Marketing Materials

Incorporate testimonials into your marketing materials, such as brochures, email newsletters, and sales presentations. They add credibility and make your marketing messages more persuasive.

Proposals and Presentations

Including relevant testimonials in your proposals and presentations can strengthen your pitch. It provides third-party validation and can help sway decision-makers.

The Power of Video Testimonials

While written testimonials are powerful, video testimonials can be even more impactful. Here’s why:

Emotional Connection

Video testimonials capture tone, facial expressions, and body language, which can convey emotions more effectively than text. This helps build a stronger emotional connection with potential clients.


Seeing and hearing a real person speak about their positive experience adds a layer of authenticity that text alone can’t match. It reassures potential clients that the testimonial is genuine.


Video content tends to be more engaging. People are more likely to watch a short video than read a lengthy text. This makes video testimonials a powerful tool for capturing attention and conveying your message quickly. Keep them short - 45 seconds is great.  If the original video is longer you may need to edit it down.

How to Gather Video Testimonials

Gathering video testimonials can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be straightforward:

Ask Permission

Always ask clients if they’re comfortable providing a video testimonial. Some might prefer to stick with text, and that’s perfectly fine.

Provide Guidelines

Give clients a brief outline of what to cover in their testimonials. This can include specific questions or topics you’d like them to address, which helps keep the testimonial focused and relevant.

Use Simple Tools

Clients don’t need professional equipment to record a video testimonial. A smartphone or webcam can work perfectly well. Provide tips on recording clear audio and video, such as ensuring good lighting and minimizing background noise.

Edit for Quality

Once you receive the video, consider editing it for clarity and quality. Trim any unnecessary parts and add captions if needed to make the testimonial easy to follow.

Testimonials are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your trust and credibility in the business world. By understanding their importance, learning how to ask for them, and knowing how to structure and place them effectively, you can leverage testimonials to build stronger, more trustworthy relationships with your clients.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of business, integrating testimonials into your strategy can provide the social proof needed to stand out in a crowded market. Remember, it’s not just about collecting positive feedback—it’s about using that feedback to demonstrate your value, reliability, and competence to potential clients.

In the end, testimonials are more than just words—they are endorsements of your character and capability, providing a tangible link between trust and credibility. So, embrace the power of testimonials and let them help you build the business relationships you need to succeed.

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Braith Bamkin

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

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