Image depicting people engaged in conversation at a networking event, showcasing the silent language of networking.

The Silent Language of Networking

May 08, 20244 min read

If there's one thing I've uncovered in my years of professional networking, it's that the most profound conversations often happen without a single word being spoken. Today, I want to share how I connect with people without even using words. 

networking event

Think back to the last time you walked into a room full of strangers. Did you feel the energy shift as you took in the sea of faces, some eager, some apprehensive? 

I remember one such moment distinctly. I was at The Geelong Chamber Monthly networking event and was new to networking in that town and knew nearly no one. That, in itself, was new to me as I had been confidently networking with people I knew for years. But that night I walked into the room and realised this was a whole new game and I was being judged by everything I did as I had just bought the BNI franchise for that region and people had a certain expectation from this new kid on the block. So I put on my big boy pants and put into practice everything I had learned over the years. The night ended up being a great event and I connected with lots of new people and arranged coffee with a few people I wanted to get to know better. That result didn’t happen by accident but it was a direct result of my skills as a networker.

Did you know most people decide whether they like you within the first seven seconds of meeting you?

It seems unfair, right? However, once I learned this, I started paying closer attention to my initial approach. I ensured my handshake was firm but inviting, my smile genuine, and my posture open. It wasn't about pretending to be someone I wasn't; it was about presenting the best version of myself, the one that says, "Hey, I'm here, I'm confident, and I'm open to making meaningful connections." This isn't just me talking; there's a wealth of science backing the importance of these first impressions. But beyond the studies, it's the real-life successes and the doors that have opened for me that truly made me a believer.

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt like it was where you belonged?

Or the opposite—felt an inexplicable urge to turn around and leave? That's the energy or the vibes, we often talk about. In my journey, understanding this unseen force has been pivotal. I've learned to tune in to my own energy before stepping into any networking event, ensuring I'm projecting positivity and openness. It's fascinating how much of an impact this can have not just on the people you attract but on the overall dynamic of your interactions.

digital age

In this digital age, we're bombarded with ways to connect without ever being physically present. But let me tell you, nothing—absolutely nothing—beats the magic of face-to-face interaction. There's a richness and depth to in-person exchanges that emails and texts can't capture. I've had countless instances where a simple gesture, a look of understanding, or the warm, reassuring tone of my voice built a relationship that a hundred emails couldn't.

Learning to read and respond to non-verbal cues has been a game-changer for me. It's like having a secret conversation where you can express and perceive honesty, enthusiasm, or even skepticism. It has helped me navigate through complex interactions, build trust, and forge deeper connections. Whether it's mirroring someone's posture to signal rapport or maintaining eye contact to show you're genuinely engaged, these subtle signals can speak volumes.

Before I step into any room, I take a moment to centre myself, to ensure that I'm bringing in the kind of energy I want to be met with. This isn't just feel-good advice; it's a practice rooted in the principle of emotional contagion. We're all naturally drawn to individuals who exude confidence and warmth. By consciously cultivating these qualities, we can significantly influence the outcomes of our networking efforts.  Try it for yourself and see what the results are!

I want to leave you with a bit of personal advice. Networking isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. It's a deeply personal journey that's as much about discovering yourself as it is about discovering others. Take the time to understand the nuances of non-verbal communication, but more importantly, be authentic. The most memorable connections are those that are genuine, where both parties see and appreciate the person behind the professional facade.

Stay curious, stay open, and most of all, have fun.

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Braith Bamkin

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

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