Image depicting the concept of navigating rapid changes in the digital era, where uncertainty is the new certainty.

Uncertainty is the New Certainty -Navigating the Rapid Changes in the Digital Era

July 05, 20232 min read

In a quest to understand the concept of uncertainty, I turned to Chat Gpt, an AI language model, and here's what it had to say: Uncertainty can be defined as the state of being unsure or not having enough information about something, making it impossible or difficult to predict the outcome or make decisions. I found this definition particularly insightful because it resonates with the feelings people experience during uncertain times.

But why are we facing such uncertainty today? The answer is simple: the Covid era has reshaped our knowledge and ushered in a once-in-a-century pandemic. Moreover, the relentless advance of technology has significantly impacted our lives. If we fail to embrace change as an inevitable aspect of life, it becomes challenging to keep up with the relentless wave of progress.

Take my mother for example, she is intimidated and wary of using a computer. However, in the current era, a mindset like that, will only hinder progress in the modern world. Recently, Cheques—the traditional method of conducting financial transactions—are gradually becoming obsolete. While cheques may still be prevalent in some countries like the United States, Australia is rapidly shifting towards digital payments. This shift exemplifies how things are changing at an astonishing pace within a single lifetime—from cheques to bank payments to seamless digital transfers.

Uncertainty is increasingly becoming the new norm due to the rapid technological changes we are witnessing. The question arises: How can we effectively deal with it? This is an excellent question, and the answer lies in having a strong anchor—an unwavering understanding of who you are and who you choose to do business with, as well as the reasons behind it.

I am deeply passionate about this topic because having a clear vision, a well-defined mission, and strong core values enable you to make decisions that align with your identity, even in the face of uncertainty.

When you are crystal clear about your values and the direction you want your company or yourself as an individual to take, you can make decisions that reflect those principles. Knowing your target customers and how to connect with them further facilitates decision-making amidst rapid change.

Understanding your company's values acts as a compass for success in uncertain times. When you are clear about where you're headed, why you're going there, and how you plan to get there, people will be drawn to your journey, and making decisions becomes relatively easier. Therefore, I urge you to embrace uncertainty as an exciting opportunity. As the intensity of uncertainty continues to escalate, those who know how to navigate it will emerge as winners in the business world.

Before we conclude, here's a valuable tip: presence is key when making decisions in uncertain times. Being fully present in your own space and life will help you gather the necessary clarity to align your decisions with your vision, mission, and values. So take a moment to breathe easy and find that inner focus.

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Braith Bamkin

🗣 Keynote Speaker 📚 Online Business Educator 🎯 Executive Director BNI Melbourne Central 📖 Author “Breathe Easy” 😂 Laughter Yoga Facilitator

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